Friday, 29 January 2010

How to create a manifest file with code In this article I do not discuss again what is manifest file functions because of my previous article already exists precisely here, so now the discussion is how to incorporate into a Visual Basic project, so the Manifest file is created automatically if removed.
for those of you who are interested in this tip, please follow the way of making the code below

Step 1

  • create a new standard exe project
  • add module
Step 2
Place the following code in the module project

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function InitCommonControls Lib "Comctl32.dll" () As Long

Sub InitialiseXPControls()
Dim intFreeFile As Integer
Dim lngReturn As Long
Dim strEXEFile As String
Dim strManifestFile As String

strEXEFile = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
strManifestFile = strEXEFile & ".manifest"

If Dir(strEXEFile) <> "" And Dir(strManifestFile) = "" Then
intFreeFile = FreeFile()

Open strManifestFile For Output As #intFreeFile
Print #intFreeFile, "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<assembly xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"" manifestVersion=""1.0"">"
Print #intFreeFile, "<assemblyIdentity"
Print #intFreeFile, " version = """""
Print #intFreeFile, " processorArchitecture = ""X86"""
Print #intFreeFile, " name = ""Microsoft.Winweb.VB_Application"""
Print #intFreeFile, " type=""win32"""
Print #intFreeFile, "/>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<description>GSoftware</description>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<dependency>"
Print #intFreeFile, " <dependentAssembly>"
Print #intFreeFile, " <assemblyIdentity"
Print #intFreeFile, " type=""win32"""
Print #intFreeFile, " name = ""Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"""
Print #intFreeFile, " version = """""
Print #intFreeFile, " processorArchitecture = ""X86"""
Print #intFreeFile, " publicKeyToken = ""6595b64144ccf1df"""
Print #intFreeFile, " language = ""*"""
Print #intFreeFile, " />"
Print #intFreeFile, " </dependentAssembly>"
Print #intFreeFile, "</dependency>"
Print #intFreeFile, "</assembly>"
Close #intFreeFile

Shell strEXEFile, vbNormalFocus
End If

lngReturn = InitCommonControls()
End Sub

Step 3
Please call InitialiseXPControls in sub main or startup form your project

Now your application will follow the theme of your windows that apply, good luck. If you have any problems please contact me or can you confirm by email, may be useful for you.

21 Komentar: How to create a manifest file with code

yoyok on 29 January 2010 at 21:01 said...

nice post brother

Terima Kasih Sob yoyok Atas Komentarnya.
Rival Aditya on 29 January 2010 at 22:01 said...

wah mantab sob infonya...., thx's y

Terima Kasih Sob Rival Aditya Atas Komentarnya.
management on 29 January 2010 at 22:05 said...

ok bos infonya, susah cari yang seperti ini

Terima Kasih Sob management Atas Komentarnya.
Berita Bola on 29 January 2010 at 22:51 said...

tambah lagi sob infonya

Terima Kasih Sob Berita Bola Atas Komentarnya.
Fashion on 29 January 2010 at 22:52 said...

sip deh ilmunya

Terima Kasih Sob Fashion Atas Komentarnya.
Bang Salom on 29 January 2010 at 22:52 said...

wah pasti ini jago komputer ya, dan jago bahasa inggris juga ya...

Terima Kasih Sob Bang Salom Atas Komentarnya.
HAPIA Mesir on 29 January 2010 at 22:56 said...

wah apa ni..bahasa londo lagi..g paham...wakakakak...

Terima Kasih Sob HAPIA Mesir Atas Komentarnya.
bhogey on 30 January 2010 at 00:30 said...

apa ini gan???
kagak ngarti ,wakakak

Terima Kasih Sob bhogey Atas Komentarnya.
witul4r on 30 January 2010 at 01:06 said...

thanks Erge mantapp banget nich tutor...
ane tunggu2 nich

Terima Kasih Sob witul4r Atas Komentarnya.
akhatam on 30 January 2010 at 01:57 said...

Wah keren dah triknya

Terima Kasih Sob akhatam Atas Komentarnya.
Galeri on 30 January 2010 at 13:48 said...

Saya belajar komputer baru kemarin2 aja Kang, eehhh... kok ternyata NANG KENE ono Tutorial'e yak, mantraapp Kang. mbo yo sekali-kali pakai bahasa tegalan napa Kang ? jangan pakai boso India mulu, pusing kie kepala.
Okelah kalo bebegitu Kang, Sukses selalu meyertai Sampean Kang. Matur Sembah Nuwun.

Terima Kasih Sob Galeri Atas Komentarnya.
eRGe on 30 January 2010 at 15:03 said...

@Galeri .. Wekekekeke

oke lah kalau begitu ... hehehehehe
makasih mas iyang

Blogger on 30 January 2010 at 20:08 said...

wkwkw...Nice info brow
VB project with english based. steady!!

Terima Kasih Sob Blogger Atas Komentarnya.
Unknown on 31 January 2010 at 20:31 said...

manifest file maksudnya apa ya? hehe
lu kan makan tidur diatas VB hahaha

Terima Kasih Sob Unknown Atas Komentarnya.
denadnan on 1 February 2010 at 00:30 said...


Terima Kasih Sob denadnan Atas Komentarnya.
Beben Koben on 1 February 2010 at 17:24 said...

Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue...(aku tidak paham)

Terima Kasih Sob Beben Koben Atas Komentarnya.
den-adnan on 1 February 2010 at 17:44 said...


Terima Kasih Sob den-adnan Atas Komentarnya. on 1 February 2010 at 23:00 said...


Terima Kasih Sob Atas Komentarnya.
javabis99 blog bisnis online & hobby on 2 February 2010 at 17:46 said...

good share friend, thanks

Terima Kasih Sob javabis99 blog bisnis online & hobby Atas Komentarnya. on 15 December 2010 at 07:31 said...

wah nice bang erge ...
visit blog ku ya

Terima Kasih Sob Atas Komentarnya.
ozy69 on 9 April 2012 at 09:31 said...

Maaf Gan,tutorial ini belum berjalan dengan baik,aQ pake metode Co-Pas sich..udah aQ buat module n aQ Co-Pas nich sourcecode,tapi gak membuahkan hasil,ada syarat apa lagi selain 2 hal diatas? (standart project dan module)
aQ pake VB 6 SP 6 gan..
nice info n moga sukses selalu,thanks ya..

Terima Kasih Sob ozy69 Atas Komentarnya.

Tanggapan Sobat

Zona Bebas Komentar tapi jangan nyepam.

Kalo nyepam minta maaf nih, dengan terpaksa dilaporkan pada kantor polisi terdekat dihapus, monggo sobat silakan komentar jangan malu-malu.


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